Patrick O'Brien - Gründer von Citation Styler

About Patrick O'Brien

Founder of

My name is Patrick O'Brien and just like you in 2009 I was faced with the problem that my university had prescribed a certain citation style that I couldn't find anywhere. So I painstakingly learned about the Citation Style Language (CSL) and created a style for myself and my fellow students. This then continued with a style for a journal where I submitted a paper of my PhD thesis and, many years later, I have created well over 700 such styles to journals for free and am one of the main contributors of the CSL team.

With my styles I close a gap that is otherwise hard to close.

“Having to [write] footnotes resembles having to go downstairs to answer the door while in the midst of making love.” ― Noel Coward

For unis I offer styles in my store here. With a few clicks you can install the style and apply it to your document.

If your metadata is entered correctly, you'll have accurate citations and bibliography. I put a lot of work into the accuracy of my styles.

Please make sure that you buy exactly the style you need. I always mention the guidelines and version that I used to create the style, and exact examplesthat I created in Word with the specific style. If you're still not sure or you're looking style  that I don't yet offer, please get in touch.

© Citation Styler. All rights reserved. 2024



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