FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to buy the style via Elopage?

My CSL shop has been around since 2020 and I built it with Elopage. But to make the whole thing a little nicer, I created this website. The payment, delivery etc. is still done via Elopage though.

Wie kann ich den gekauften .csl Zitierstil in Zotero installieren?

Option 1: Double click on the file. Zotero should automatically recognise and install the .csl file.

Option 2:In Zotero, go to "Edit" > "Preferences" > "Cite" > "Styles". Click on the "+" and select the .csl file.

Für andere Programme bitte die jeweilige Dokumentation des Herstellers konsultieren.

Erhalte ich Updates, wenn ich einen Stil gekauft habe?

Klar. Mir ist wichtig, dass eure Referenzen korrekt sind. Einfach eine kurze Email an mich unter Angabe eure Namens, des Stiles und wann ihr den gekauft habt, schreiben. (am Besten einfach auf die Kaufbestätigungsemail antworten)

Is the payment secure?

Yes, Elopage attaches great importance to this. More information here.

I have found an error in the style. How can I report it?

Please first check once again whether the metadata in your reference program is entered correctly. In most cases there is an error with the data entry and not with the style itself. If the error still exists, please contact me Contact preferably with the following information: Name of the style, screenshot of Word and screenshot of the metadata in Zotero/Mendeley etc.

Es gibt eine neue Version der Richtlinien. Kann ich das melden?

Ja, bitte! Ich bin leider auf euch Studenten angewissen, mir Meldung zu geben, wenn es neue Richtlinien gibt, da oft diese nur per Intranet zugänglich sind. In solchen Fälle wäre ich euch dankbar, wenn ihr mir eine Email an citationstyler@gmail.com schickt. Im Normalfall habe ich dann auch eine neuen Stil, sofern nötig, innerhalb eines Tages vorhanden.

The footnote numbering is not superscript. How can I change this?

The footnotes are directly managed by Word/LibreOffice etc. for such styles. Please seek program-specific help, as this has nothing to do with the citation style.

I haven't found the style I need on your site. Can you provide me with a new style?

Sure. I would be happy to see if I can add another style to the range. Please fill out the following form: Style made to measure

Why do you recommend Zotero and not other reference managers?

Zotero is a very sophisticated piece of software with excellent support and a very helpful community. All common platforms and software are supported. Very advanced features are available that no other software has. Zotero has now set itself apart from the competition and is also free of charge. Furthermore Zotero has the CSL language and library, which allows citation styles like the ones I offer here.

Wich programs support your .csl styles?

Zotero, Mendeley, Papers, RefMan and many more. See https://citationstyles.org/

Do your .csl styles work with Mac, Windows and Linux?

It depends on the software you use. Zotero is available for Linux, Mac and Windows.

How can I enter the "cf." in a quotation?

With the Zotero Word Processor plugin, this is very easy using the prefix field. See here: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_usage

Do your styles work with "Mendeley"?

Generell, ja, da Mendeley auch die CSL Stil Bibliothek benutzt. In 2020 hat Elsevier aber eine neue Version, den sog. Mendeley Reference Manager+Mendeley Cite, herausgebracht. Dieser kann aber noch keine Customstile oder Fußnotenstile installieren/benutzen. Ich empfehle daher entweder "Mendeley Desktop" (die ältere Version) zu benutzen oder direkt auf Zotero umzusteigen. Zotero ist wesentlich intuitiver zu benutzen und hat weitaus besseren Support. Siehe diese Anleitung, um deine Bibliothek zu migrieren, um Zotero direkt auszuprobieren: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/mendeley_import

Where can I read reviews/ratings from other customers?

Some customers have already left reviews here on TrustPilot and Google Maps .

If you have the time and inclination, I would be very grateful if you could also share your opinion. This will not only help me to improve my products and service, but also other academics in their purchasing decisions. Thanks in advance!

Any further questions?

Click here for the contact form!

© Citation Styler. All rights reserved. 2024