Example citations:
1 Campbell/Pedersen, The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, S. 244–252
2 Isaacson, Steve Jobs, S. 244–252
3 Mares, Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?; Dockray, Lesbian couple paints house rainbow to troll homophobic neighbors, 01.09.2018, https://mashable.com/article/homophobia-couple-rainbow-house-troll/?europe=true&utm_cid=hp-r-1
Author-date citations:
(Campbell/Pedersen 2007: S. 244–252; Isaacson 2011; CSL search by example 2012)
(Mares 2001)
Bibliography (note):
Campbell, John L./Pedersen, Ove K., »The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success«, Comparative Political Studies, Jg. 40, H. 3 (2007), S. 307–332.
Dockray, Heather, Lesbian couple paints house rainbow to troll homophobic neighbors, in: Mashable Blog, 01.09.2018, https://mashable.com/article/homophobia-couple-rainbow-house-troll/?europe=true&utm_cid=hp-r-1.
Isaacson, Walter, Steve Jobs, New York, NY.
Mares, Isabela, »Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?«, in: Peter A. Hall/David Soskice (Hg.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, New York, S. 184–213.
Bibliography (author-date):
Campbell, John L./Pedersen, Ove K. (2007), »The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success«, Comparative Political Studies, Jg. 40, H. 3, S. 307–332.
Dockray, Heather (2018), Lesbian couple paints house rainbow to troll homophobic neighbors, in: Mashable Blog, 01.09.2018, https://mashable.com/article/homophobia-couple-rainbow-house-troll/?europe=true&utm_cid=hp-r-1.
Foderaro, Lisa W. (2012), »Rooftop greenhouse will boost city farming«. New York Times, 06.04.2012.
Hancké, Bob/Rhodes, Martin/Thatcher, Mark (2007), Beyond varieties of capitalism: Conflict, contradiction, and complementarities in the European economy, Oxford and New York, NY.
Hawking, Stephen (1966), Properties of expanding universes. University of Cambridge, 27.04.2019, https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/251038.
Isaacson, Walter (2011), Steve Jobs, New York, NY.
Mares, Isabela (2001), »Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?«, in: Peter A. Hall/David Soskice (Hg.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, New York, S. 184–213.
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