Zitierstil Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Centre for Advances Studies – Fachbereich Wirtschaft

No more tedious citation formatting!

With the official citation style for the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Center for Advances Studies (CAS) – Fachbereich Wirtschaft for Zotero, RefWorks, Papers and other reference management programs, you can create your thesis quickly and error-free.

Benefit from:

  • Automatic formatting of Fußnoten oder Autor-Datums Zitaten (Harvard) and bibliography am Ende. Zur Erstellung des Stils habe ich mich auf die Richtlinien „Handreichung für das Anfertigen von Transferberichten, Projekt-, Forschungsprojekt-, Seminar-, Studien- und Masterarbeiten Masterstudiengänge des DHBW CAS Fachbereich Wirtschaft, Teil A und B“ bzw. Teil C vom 16. August 2023 bezogen. Dieses Produkt enthält 2 Stile. Der erste ist gültig für folgende Studiengänge: MBM, ACT, DBM, ENT, FIN, GBM, MBA, MKT, MDB, PMW, SAL und SLP. Der zweite als „Digital Business Management“ (DBM) markierte Stil ist eine leichte Abänderung und nimmt kleine Änderungen, die im Dokument Teil C beschrieben sind, auf.
  • Saving valuable time and stress: Forget about hours of manual formatting and concentrate on the essentials: your scientific work.
  • Compatibility with various programs: Use the style with Zotero, RefWorks, Papers, Mendeley Desktop and many more reference managers.
  • Comprehensive support: Detailed installation instructions, FAQs and a public library with citation examples will help you to use the style.

Instant Download

39,99   (incl. VAT)

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Example citations:

1 Campbell/Pedersen (2007), S. 244–252
2 Isaacson (2011), S. 244–252; O. V. (2012)
3 Mares (2001), S. 244–252.


Ahlquist, J. S./Breunig, C. (2009): Country clustering in comparative political economy, Cologne 2009
Campbell, J. L./Pedersen, O. K. (2007): The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, Comparative Political Studies, 40. Jg. (2007), Heft 3, S. 307–332
Isaacson, W. (2011): Steve Jobs, New York, NY 2011
Mares, I. (2001): Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?, in: Hall, P. A./Soskice, D. (Hrsg.): Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, New York 2001, S. 184–213
O. V. (2012): CSL search by example, Online im Internet, http://editor.citationstyles.org/searchByExample/ vom 2012, abgerufen am 15.12.2012



Warum für den offiziellen Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg CAS - Fachbereich Wirtschaft Zitierstil bezahlen?

  • High-quality coding: The style was developed by an experienced citation style expert and is kept up to date.
  • Exclusivity: The style is no free and thus offers you the certainty that you are getting a high-quality product.
  • Faire Preise: The price for the style is significantly cheaper than the cost of a professional proofreading service.
  • Support of the developer: By purchasing the style, you support the further development and maintenance of the style.


Order now and benefit from the advantages:

  • Fast delivery: You will receive the style by e-mail immediately after receipt of payment.
  • Simple installation: The style can be installed in your reference management program with just a few clicks.
  • Secure payment: Pay conveniently and securely by PayPal or credit card.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

My footnote numbering style is incorrect. How can I change it?
The footnote numbering is NOT managed by the citation style, but by Word. You can therefore change this yourself in Word. The citation style has no control over this. Please seek Word-specific help for this.

"vgl." is missing?
This can be added in Zotero using the prefix field. To do this, click on the citation in Word and a field will appear to enter the prefix and suffix, as well as the exact page number.

"u.a." for several publisher places:
This cannot be implemented due to technical limits. Multiple publishing locations (e.g. ‘Boston, New York, Berlin’) you will have to abbreviate manually in Zotero (i.e. ‘Boston et al.’).

How can I generate a separate bibliography for internet sources?
The guidelines stipulate that a separate list of internet sources must be created. I have made this easier for you by programming the style that internet sources are automatically placed at the end of your bibliography. At the very end of your work, when you want to print and hand in your thesis, you can then make a copy of the document (very important!!), then unlink the citations (is not reversible) and add a new heading above your internet sources.

Found an error?
With complex styles such as this, it can easily lead to discrepancies in special cases. Please consult the citation guidelines first and use a working example to check whether the data is entered correctly in Zotero. If it still looks like the style itself has an error, please write to me via [email protected].


The file is only intended for use on the computer of the person who purchased the citation style. Forwarding the file to other users may be punished as a copyright infringement. I take no responsibility for problems after the submission of a work. The author is responsible for checking citations and compliance with the guidelines.

Each user is responsible for their work and the correct citations. Incorrect data entry or user applications can lead to errors. As the author of your work, you are responsible for any errors and it is recommended that you check all citations.

26/02/2023: Ersterstellung der Stile basierend auf Richtlinien von 2019
09/01/2024: Update auf Richtlinien von 16/08/2023
11/01/2024: Stil für Digital Business Management/Teil C hinzugefügt
03/09/2024: Autor-Datum/Harvard Stile hinzugefügt


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39,99   (incl. VAT)


Is the payment secure?

Yes, payment is processed via Stripe, one of the largest payment providers.

How fast is the style delivered?

Immediately! Once you have made the correct payment, you can download the file(s) directly from the order confirmation page and get started. You will also receive an email with the download link.

How can I apply for a refund?

Since my citation styles are digital products and I therefore have no way of "taking back" the product, returns are NOT possible.

How can I install the provided .csl style in Zotero?

Option 1: Double click on the file. Zotero should automatically recognise and install the .csl file.

Option 2:In Zotero, go to "Edit" > "Preferences" > "Cite" > "Styles". Click on the "+" and select the .csl file.

For other programs, please consult the documentation of the respective provider.

I'm not sure if this is the right style.

You can write to me at any time and I will be happy to check your guidelines. The best way to do this is to use the Custom Style form, as I will then have all the information immediately to hand.

Funktionieren deine Stile mit Citavi oder EndNote?

Nein. CSL wird von etlichen Programmen wie Zotero, Mendeley, Papers etc. unterstützt, aber sowohl Citavi, als auch EndNote haben ihr eigenes System.

(Bitte achte Sie darauf, da eine Rückgabe nicht möglich ist.)

Where can I get support?

Simply use the contact form or simply send a short email stating the style you purchased and the date of purchase to citationstyler@gmail.com.

Further questions are answered in my general FAQ .

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