Example citations:
1 Kirmsse, S. et al., Basel III, 2014, S. 244–252.
2 Campbell, J. L., Pedersen, O. K., Capitalism and Hybrid Success, 2007, S. 302–337.
3 Vgl. Mares, I., Foundations of Comparative Advantage, 2001, S. 184–213. (hierbei wird das "vgl." per Präfixfeld eingegeben)
4 https://mashable.com/article/homophobia-couple-rainbow-house-troll/, Zugriff am 03.01.2018.
(Kirmsse et al., 2014, S. 244–252)
(Campbell, Pedersen, 2007, S. 302–337)
(Mares, 2001, S. 184–213)
(Dockray, 2018)
Kirmsse, Stefan, Schiele, Christian, Lindemann, Christoph (Basel III, 2014): Auswirkungen Von Basel III aus Sicht der Unternehmensberatung, o. O.: o. V., 2014
Campbell, John L., Pedersen, Ove K. (Capitalism and Success, 2007): The Varieties of Capitalism and Hybrid Success, in: Comparative Political Studies, 40 (2007), Nr. 3, S. 302–337
Mares, Isabela (Foundations of Comparative Advantage, 2001): The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, in: Hall, Peter A., Soskice, David (Hrsg.), Varieties of Capitalism, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001, S. 184–213
Dockray, Heather (2018): Lesbian couple paints house rainbow to troll homophobic neighbors, Mashable Blog, <https://mashable.com/article/homophobia-couple-rainbow-house-troll/?europe=true&utm_cid=hp-r-1> (2018-01-09) [Zugriff am 2018-01-03]
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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Only the author and year are shown in the footnote, but no keyword/short title! The style is wrong!
The style is based on the guidelines and requires SHORT TITLE (see 3.2 in the guidelines). The style is programmed to do exactly that. So that the style can also display the short title text needs to be available. In most cases, the short title must be entered manually, as metadata from internet sources do not normally contain short titles. So please check first whether the short title has also been entered correctly in your citation software.
Mendeley user and the short title is not displayed?
Mendeley does not display all input fields. These can be added under Tools -> Options -> Document Details for the respective entry type.
Which item type should I choose and how should I enter the metadata to get the right output?
To make things a little easier for you, I am providing you with the following public library, which should help you how to enter the data accurately in order to get the correct representation in footnotes and bibliography.
How can I generate a separate bibliography for internet sources?
The guidelines stipulate that a separate list of internet sources must be created. I have made this easier for you by programming the style that internet sources are automatically placed at the end of your bibliography. At the very end of your work, when you want to print and hand in your thesis, you can then make a copy of the document (very important!!), then unlink the citations (is not reversible) and add a new heading above your internet sources.
The line spacing between entries in the bibliography is incorrect.
The guidelines call for single line spacing between entries and 1.5 spacing between letters.
The spacing between entries is already set by style, but can also be changed in the Word style template "Bibliography" >> Paragraph.
The spacing between letters, A > B, is technically can technically NOT be implemented.
"vgl./cf." is missing? How can I do that?
This can be added in Zotero using the Prefix field. To do this, click on the citation in Word and a field will appear to add the pre- and suffix, as well as the exact page you want to cite. See the following guide on how to do this.
My footnote numbering style is incorrect. How can I change it?
The footnote numbering is NOT managed by the citation style, but by Word. You can therefore change this yourself in Word. The citation style has no control over this. Please seek Word-specific help for this.
What are the differences between the 4 files I can download?
One file is the author-date stylewhich will cite in-text in the style of "(Kirmsse et al., 2014)". The other 3 are footnote styles, which differ only slightly. One has eliminated the "ibid" function, the "Webpage variant" shows the URL for web pages in the footnotes and the last one is the normal one, which also outputs web pages like normal citations, which I will be the style used by most users.
How can I format legal texts in the bibliography without citing them in the footnotes?
The guidelines stipulate that legal texts should only appear in the body text and not in the footnote. So cite such sources manually in the text and the sources from Zotero can then be inserted separately using ‘Add/Edit Bibliography’.
How do I get the right format for laws and case law?
The ‘amended by law of the date’ is entered in the extra field as follows: submitted: 22-12-2011
The page reference for jurisdictions is entered in the extra field as follows: pages: 593-605
Found an error?
With complex styles such as this, it can easily lead to discrepancies in special cases. Please consult the citation guidelines first and use a working example to check whether the data is entered correctly in Zotero. If it still looks like the style itself has an error, please write to me via citationstyler@gmail.com.
The file is only intended for use on the computer of the person who purchased the citation style. Forwarding the file to other users may be punished as a copyright infringement.
Incorrect data entry or user errors can lead to errors in your output. As the author of your work, you are responsible for any errors and it is recommended that you check all citations.
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