Zitierstil Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg – Systematische Bildungswissenschaft

No more tedious citation formatting!

With the official citation style for the citation style für die Julius-Maximilans-Universität (JMU) Würzburg – Systematische Bildungswissenschaftfor Zotero, RefWorks, Papers and other reference management programs, you can create your thesis quickly and error-free.

Benefit from:

  • Automatic formatting von Autor-Datums Zitate im Text und Literaturverzeichnis gemäß der Richtlinien.
  • Saving valuable time and stress: Vergiss stundenlanges manuelles Formatieren und konzentriere dich auf das Wesentliche: deine wissenschaftliche Arbeit.
  • Compatibility with various programs: Use the style with Zotero, RefWorks, Papers, Mendeley Desktop and many more reference managers.
  • Comprehensive support: Detailed installation instructions, FAQs and a public library with citation examples will help you to use the style.

Dieser Stil ist noch nicht entwickelt. Falls dich dieser Zitierstil für die JMU Würzburg interessiert, kannst du aber gerne dein Interesse zeigen, in dem du deine Email hinterlässt. Sobald ich genug Käufer habe, erstelle ich den Stil und du wirst per Email informiert.

Instant Download

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zahlungsanbieter auf citationstyler


Buy the citation style and immediately download it


Install in Zotero and cite your references


Create your bibliography and hand in your paper. Done!

"Zuerst dachte ich, dass sich 40€ nicht lohnen, aber dann hat es mir tagelange Arbeit erspart and my Punktabzug aufgrund von fehlerhaften Zitaten deutlich reduziert."

  • Description
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  • Reviews

Warum für den offiziellen Julius-Maximilans-Universität Würzburg - Systematische Bildungswissenschaft bezahlen?

  • High-quality coding: Erstellung von einem erfahrenen Zitierstilexperten und nötige Aktualisierungen.
  • Exclusivity: The style is no free erhältlich und bietet Ihnen somit die Gewissheit, dass du ein high-quality erwirbst.
  • Fair price The price for the style is significantly cheaper than the cost of a professional proofreading service.
  • Support of the developer: Mit dem Kauf des Stils unterstützt du die weitere Entwicklung und Pflege des Stils.


Bestellen jetzt und profitieren von den Vorteilen:

  • Fast delivery: You will receive the style by e-mail immediately after receipt of payment.
  • Simple installation: The style can be installed in your reference management program with just a few clicks.
  • Secure payment: Pay conveniently and securely by PayPal or credit card.



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Is the payment secure?

Yes, payment is processed via Stripe, one of the largest payment providers.

How fast is the style delivered?

Immediately! Once you have made the correct payment, you can download the file(s) directly from the order confirmation page and get started. You will also receive an email with the download link.

How can I apply for a refund?

Since my citation styles are digital products and I therefore have no way of "taking back" the product, returns are NOT possible.

How can I install the provided .csl style in Zotero?

Option 1: Double click on the file. Zotero should automatically recognise and install the .csl file.

Option 2:In Zotero, go to "Edit" > "Preferences" > "Cite" > "Styles". Click on the "+" and select the .csl file.

For other programs, please consult the documentation of the respective provider.

I'm not sure if this is the right style.

You can write to me at any time and I will be happy to check your guidelines. The best way to do this is to use the Your Custom Citation Style form, as I will then have all the information immediately to hand.

Do the styles work with Citavi or EndNote?

No. CSL is supported by a number of programmes such as Zotero, Mendeley, Papers etc., but both Citavi and EndNote have their own systems and my CSL styles are not comptabile.

(Please pay attention to this, as a return is not possible.)

Where can I get support?

Simply use the contact form or send a short email stating the style you purchased and the date of purchase to citationstyler@gmail.com.

Further questions are answered in my general FAQ .

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