In principle, there are several plugins enable a Zotero-Obsidian link. I use the plugin ’Obsidian-Zotero-Integration".
With the plugin, you can import your Zotero entries into Obsidian and edit them there or use the notes. Both notes and annotations that you have made directly in PDF documents within Zotero can be imported. This means that you can make markups in an attached PDF, add comments or annotations to the markups and both will end up in Obsidian when you transfer them. Tags are also transferred.
The nice thing is that you not only transfer the notes, but they are also directly linked - if you click on the link in Obsidian, the PDF opens in Zotero at the respective note. So you can check everything again or read it in more detail.
In the Obsidian settings under ‘External extensions’ you will find the option to search through all plugins. Here you can search for and install the Zotero Integration plugin.
The settings for this plugin are somewhat more extensive and you can configure a few things here.
That's why I'm describing the simple version here; you can always go into more detail later. Leave all options not mentioned in the default status.
You need a template file (you can find out how to create them here).
You have quite a few options here. I have my settings from various forum posts and have briefly listed them here so that you have a starting point:
> [!note] Metadata
> type:: "{{itemType}}"{% for type, creators in creators | groupby("creatorType") -%}{% if loop.first %}
> {% endif %}{{type | replace("interviewee", "author") | replace("director", "author") | replace("presenter", "author") | replace("podcaster", "author") | replace("programmer", "author") | replace("cartographer", "author") | replace("inventor", "author") | replace("sponsor", "author") | replace("performer", "author") | replace("artist", "author")}}:: "{%- for creator in creators -%}{%- if %}{{}}{%- else %}{{creator.lastName}}, {{creator.firstName}}{%- endif %}{% if not loop.last %}; {% endif %}{% endfor %}"{% if not loop.last %}
> {% endif %}{%- endfor %}{% if title %}
> title:: "{{title}}"{% endif %}{% if publicationTitle %}
> publication:: "{{publicationTitle}}"{% endif %}{% if date %}
> date:: {{date | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}{% endif %}{% if archive %}
> archive:: "{{archive}}"{% endif %}{% if archiveLocation %}
> archive-location:: "{{archiveLocation}}"{% endif %}
> citekey:: {{citekey}}
> tags:: #hiervergibstdueinenTag
> [!info]
> **Links**
> [online]({{uri}}) [local]({{desktopURI}}) {%- for attachment in attachments | filterby("path", "endswith", ".pdf") %} [pdf](file://{{attachment.path | replace(" ", "%20")}})
> {% if loop.last %}
> {% endif %}{%- endfor %}
**Cite Key:** [[@{{citekey}}]] {%- for attachment in attachments | filterby("path", "endswith", ".pdf") %}
> **Link:** [{{attachment.title}}](file://{{attachment.path | replace(" ", "%20")}}) {%- endfor -%} {%- if abstractNote %}
> **Abstract:** {{abstractNote}} {%- endif -%} {%- if bibliography %}
> **Bibliography:** {{bibliography}} {%- endif %} {%- if hashTags %}
> **Tags:** {{hashTags}} {%- endif %}
## Annotations
{% macro heading(color) -%}
{%- if color == "#5fb236" -%}
💡 Main ideas, contributions and conclusions
{%- endif -%}
{%- if color == "#2ea8e5" -%}
❔ Questions
{%- endif -%}
{%- if color == "#ffd400" -%}
⭐ Important
{%- endif -%}
{%- if color == "#a28ae5" -%}
🧩 Definitions and concepts
{%- endif -%}
{%- if color == "#ff6666" -%}
⛔ Weaknesses and caveats
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% persist "annotations" %}
{% set annotations = annotations | filterby("date", "dateafter", lastImportDate) -%}
{% if annotations.length > 0 %}
*Imported on {{importDate | format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")}}*
{% for color, annotations in annotations | groupby("color") -%}
### {{heading(color)}}
{%- for annotation in annotations -%}
{%- if annotation.imageRelativePath %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if annotation.comment %}
- **{{annotation.comment}}:**
- =={{annotation.annotatedText | nl2br}}== [(p. {{annotation.pageLabel}})](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{annotation.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{annotation.pageLabel}}&annotation={{}}) {% if annotation.hashTags %}{{annotation.hashTags}}{% endif %}
{%- elif annotation.annotatedText %}
- =={{annotation.annotatedText | nl2br}}== [(p. {{annotation.pageLabel}})](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{annotation.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{annotation.pageLabel}}&annotation={{}}) {% if annotation.hashTags %}{{annotation.hashTags}}{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}{%- endfor %}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% endpersist %}
# Notes
{% if markdownNotes %}
{% endif %}
%%Ende %%
Überzeugt? Dann probiere die Integration von Zotero und Obsidian doch einfach selbst aus! Du wirst überrascht sein, wie viel Zeit und Mühe du sparen kannst. Weitere nützliche Tools und Plugins für Zotero findest du auch in meinem Blog "The top Zotero extensions I can't live without".
Little Sticky - Martina Klinkowski
Her blog is all about digital note-taking, learning and personal knowledge management, especially with tools like Obsidian. In addition to practical tips on how to structure and use information efficiently, you will find detailed instructions on how to use Obsidian. If you're looking for digital solutions for your knowledge management, you've come to the right place.
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