The top Zotero extensions I can't live without

Zotero is an open source software that enables researchers and students to manage literature very easily and intuitively. I have already explained why Zotero is so useful and, above all, so good in a another article erklärt. Die öffentliche Schnittstelle des Programms erlaubt Entwicklern die Erstellung von Plugins, welche die Funktionen von Zotero noch erheblich erweitern und an die individuellen Bedürfnisse des Nutzers anpassen lässt. In der offiziellen Dokumentation findest du eine recht lange list of extensions. In diesem Blogartikel möchte ich spezifisch einige der Plugins vorstellen, die dir die Arbeit mit Zotero effizienter und angenehmer gestalten können, und meiner Meinung fast unverzichtbar sind.

1. Better Notes for Zotero - Advanced note functionality

This plugin extends the note functions of Zotero with numerous practical features. With Better Notes for Zotero notes can be created for individual Zotero entries, which are linked, tagged and categorised. In this way, thoughts can be retained and ideas on individual literature sources can be annotated. With automated templates, bi-directional Markdown synchronisation and various export formats (Markdown, .docx, PDF, Mindmap), this plugin is essential for those who are power users of the note-taking function. The extension can also be extended with ChatGPT. See point 6.

better Notes for Zotero - teaser

Reproduced from windingwinds "zotero-better-notes"

2. Linter for Zotero - Easy HTML formatting of metadata

Do you research and write a lot in the field of chemistry or are you a scientist who uses the Linnaeus biological nomenclature a lot? Zotero already lets you add HTML tags in titles, for example to italicize a title like 'The transformation of Australopithecus afarensis to today's Homo sapiens....' However, many users do not know HTML, nor do they know that this is even possible. This is where the Linter for Zotero comes in handy. With a simple key combination or the help bar shown, Homo sapies can easily made into Homo sapiens . Text sections can also be made superscript or bolded, but capitalisation can also be prevented.

Zotero Linter toolbar animation

Reproduced from northwords "Linter for Zotero"

3. ZotMoov - ZotFile successor for attachment synchronisation

One of the most used plugins for Zotero was ZotFile. However, since it is no longer actively developed and some of the functionality was indirectly embedded in Zotero 7, there has been some discussion about the continued existence of the plugin. Thanks to the developer wileyyugioh, however, you have the possibility of managing your attachements using ZotMoov and is an indispensable plugin for those who work a lot with PDF attachments. The extension allows to synchronise PDFs from the Zotero library with a mobile device.

ZotMoov Screenshot

Reproduced from wileyyugioh "ZotMoov"

(If you want to try another ZotFile alternative, you can try Zotero Attanger )

Download & Information:

4. Zotero Bulk Edit Script

If you have ever had the problem that several entries had the same error or you simply want to change "National Institute of Health" into "NIH" in your library, then this script can help you Bulk Edit Script make your edits.

You don't even have to install a plugin for this, just copy the code into the "Run JavaScript" window that Zotero comes with, click on Start and you can use the "Find & Replace" function just like in Word. It couldn't be easier. On the Thalient-ai website you will find a nice and illustrated guide on how to do it. I also have a guide on how to use the Schoeneh's original "Zotero Search & Replace" script.

zotero bulk edit script

Reproduced from Thalient-AI's "Zotero Bulk Edit Script"

5. Scite for Zotero - Enrich your library

scite is an award-winning platform for discovering and evaluating scientific articles via Smart Citations. With Smart Citations, users can see how a publication has been cited by providing the context of the citation and a classification describing whether it provides supporting or contrasting evidence for the cited claim. Scite can help in finding relevant papers, to rate an article's quality and inform about new publications in your field of research.

Thanks to the Scite for Zotero Plugin you can do this directly in Zotero. On the one hand, you can see the metadata classification of a paper and then via a right click on "Scite Report" will be redirected directly to Scite.

scite for Zotero

Reproduced from scitedotai's "Scite for Zoter Plug-in"

6. A.R.I.A. (Aria) - AI Research Assistant

Since the arrival of ChatGPT, LLMs have been on everyone's lips and are being used more and more. So naturally the question arose in the Zotero forum whether there is a way to embed ChatGPT directly in Zotero. The Chinese developer lifan0127 has now developed such a plugin and with Aria kannst du nun direkt mit ChatGPT innerhalb von Zotero anfragen machen. Zusammenfassungen von Texteilen, genaue Erklärungen, und alles was das Herz begehrt.

Weitere KI Tools findest du in meinem Blog "AI and Zotero: an overview of the best plugins".

aria-prompt-library in Zotero

Reproduced from lifan0127's "ai-research-assistant"

7. Better BibTeX (BBT) - Indispensable for LaTeX and Markdown

A large proportion of scientists, especially in the mathematical, statistical and chemical fields, use LaTeX or Markdown Word processors. In order to integrate Zotero into this workflow, Better BibTeX is THE plug-in you cannot go without. It allows you to enter your data into Zotero as usual, but at the same time, take advantage of the benefits of Tex processors. Retorquere's website has a lot of information and the LaTeX community has a lot of help to set everything up correctly.

better bibtex in Zotero

The Better BibTeX settings panel within Zotero

I hope that this list has been useful and has shown you one or two plugins that you did not know about. If you have developed a plugin or extension and think that it should not be missing from this list or if you have any questions about one of the plugins shown, you are of course welcome to contact me.

Further reading

Zotero und CSL an der FOM
Correct literature research and citation at the FOM University of Applied Sciences with Zotero
Master literature research and citation at the FOM with Zotero! Easily organise your sources and automatically generate citations and bibliographies.
Zotero und CSL ein Leitfaden
Using Zotero and CSL citation styles
Zotero and CSL citation styles. In this guide, you will learn how to use Zotero and citation styles effectively.
Zotero is acting up? How to avoid problems when quoting.
Zotero is acting up? How to avoid problems when quoting.
Forget frustration and erroneous citations - discover how Zotero does exactly what you want! Choose the right citation style, maintain your metadata conscientiously and make the most of the Zotero Word add-on. This way you get the best out of Zotero and save time and nerves!
Blog - Zoplicate plugin für verbesserte Duplikat Identifizierung
Zoplicate: The easy way to recognise and delete duplicates in Zotero
Zoplicate is a powerful Zotero plugin that efficiently recognises and merges duplicate entries. It offers advanced duplicate detection and saves time when managing large literature databases.

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