Du hast die Meldung "Sie haben Veränderungen an dieser Zitation vorgenommen, nachdem sie von Zotero erstellt wurde. Wollen Sie Ihre Veerränderungen beibehalten und spätere Updates verhindern?" von Zotero erhalten?
In this article you will learn how to avoid this message AND how to keep your citations updatable.
You have made changes to this citation after it was created by Zotero. Do you want to keep your changes and prevent future updates?
If you quote a lot, you will often need to give precise page, chapter and paragraph references. The Zotero Word add-on makes this very easy by simply entering the page when entering the source. The citation style then does the rest. But if, for example, you then want to enter a ‘cf.’ or an ‘ff.’ after the pages, i.e. (Müller, 2011) should become (cf. Müller, 2011, p. 13 ff), one naturally thinks of simply rewriting this text generated by Zotero directly.
And THAT is precisely the problem.
Zotero then spits out the message shown above and then also specifies what could happen:
Chosen YES, nr. 1, your citations would there not be updated. This means, for example, if you realise that the source was from 2012 and not 2011, change this in the Zotero metadata and then of course also want to update these sources in the text, but this would still show 2011.
In the case of no, i.e. nr. 2, the sources would then be updatable, BUT both the ‘cf.’ and the ‘ff. ‘ would be removed .
So how can you get round this?
The required changes can be made directly can be changed using Zotero. If you click on the quote bubble, you will see 3 fields. One for the ‘locator’, for given for example a specific page. Other changes can then be made utilising the prefix and suffix fields. This gives you the same results, with the important difference that your sources can still be updated.
Quoting and the correct use of Zotero (or other software) must be learnt. I also have more tips in my article ’Zotero is acting up? How to avoid problems when quoting.‘ If you have any questions about Zotero, I can only advise you to search the Zotero forum for solutions or to ask.
And if you have any questions about citations and citation styles, I am of course always there for you.
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